Privacy Policy


– The website is the property of Vojin Jaglicic, an individual entrepreneur registered in the Paris Trade and Companies Register under SIRET, number 890 954 860 00015, whose registered office is at 16 rue Léon Jouhaux, 75010, Paris, France, and who can be contacted at and +33 6 11 24 83 09.
– The site is hosted by Hostinger International Ltd., whose address is Lordou Vironos street, 61, 6023, Larnaca, Cyprus, and can be reached via the following link:


– Preamble. These General Terms and Conditions of Sale (hereinafter "GTCS") are entered into between Vojin Jaglicic, individual enterprise located at 16 rue Léon Jouhaux, 75010 Paris (hereinafter “Paris musically”) and the Customer (hereinafter “the Customer”) as a natural or legal person.

– Purpose.
Paris musically offers the Customer the services of guided tours in Paris on the history of music in Paris (hereinafter “the Services”), led by musicologists and music mediators. These tours take place mainly outdoors, except in the case of a specific partnership with music institutions, indicated in the offer on the website (
– Paris musically offers its services in English and French, each tour being given in one language at a time. The language of the particular service is indicated next to its title at the time of booking (with the words “English” and “French”).

– Paris musically reserves the right to add, delete or modify all or part of the services it offers. The purpose of these General Terms and Conditions of Sale is to govern the provision of and access by the Customer to these Services, as well as the Customer’s use thereof.
– Access to the Services offered on the Site is reserved for adults or minors accompanied by an adult, and implies full acceptance by the Customer of all the present General Terms and Conditions. The Customer therefore confirms that he/she has read and accepted the present Terms and Conditions in their entirety before using the Services.

– Prices. The prices of the Services are all displayed inclusive of tax and expressed in euros. They do not take into account exchange rates and commissions for payment in another currency. In this case, the final amount debited cannot be guaranteed. Payments are made online (transactions are handled and secured by Stripe), by credit card or Paypal account, as well as locally, in cash and by credit card. The Services are open to all adults and to minors accompanied by an adult.

– Geographical scope. Paris musically offers services by appointment in Paris intra- muros and, in some cases, in the surrounding suburbs. The date, time and duration of the visit are indicated on the website, while the address is communicated by e-mail once the reservation has been made online.

– Customer commitments. The customer therefore undertakes to respect the departure time. Delays of 5 to 10 minutes may be tolerated. In case of a longer delay, it is still possible to join the group en route, and the guides can still be reached via the phone numbers communicated by e-mail.

– Commitments of the Organizer. Paris musically undertakes to send the Customer the address of the appointment, and to deliver the proposed Service within the agreed start time and duration. The latter is given as an approximation and may be extended for reasons beyond our control (weather conditions, technical problems, traffic flow, etc.). Paris musically reserves the right to refuse to deliver the service to the Customer in the event of non-compliance with the rules or inappropriate behavior (discrimination, verbal or physical aggression, violation of public order, etc.).

– Booking procedure. Reservations are made on the dedicated page and via the form in which the Customer fills in the information required for invoicing and communication of the appointment address, such as surname, first name, address, cell phone number and e-mail address. The customer is then directed to the payment terminal, unless they have chosen to pay locally. Once payment has been made online, the Customer receives a first booking and payment confirmation email, and a second with practical information, such as the date, time and address of the appointment, as well as the contact numbers of the guide(s). Paris musically emphasizes that service purchases can only be made in advance, either online or locally, on the spot.

– Right of cancellation. All cancellations made up to 24 hours before the start of the Service are subject to reimbursement or rescheduling on another proposed date. Cancellations received after this time will not be refunded, only rescheduled (without return of funds). Walking tours are maintained in case of rain. If the service is cancelled by the Organizer (illness of a guide or other impediment), the customer may opt for reimbursement or rescheduling to another date.

– Liability. Paris musically declines all responsibility for circumstances that may cause any prejudice to the Customer from third parties or due to weather conditions (natural disasters, illness, theft and physical or verbal aggression) during the duration of the Services, as these take place in the public space and are therefore outside the Organizer’s sphere of influence.

– Hypertext links. The Site may contain hypertext links to third-party content or to websites operated by third parties. Paris musically cannot be held responsible for the quality and accuracy of their content, or for any damage they may cause as a result of its use.

– Privacy policy. Browsing this Site implies acceptance of cookies. Paris musically uses analytical tools to improve its content and services, which collect and store data for a period of 14 months, solely for the purpose of improving our Services and proposed content. Personal data collected when booking a Service is used for invoicing purposes and for communicating information necessary for the efficient running of the appointment. Paris musically commits not to disclose any personal information to third parties and informs the Customer that, in accordance with articles 38, 39 and 40 of the French Data Protection Act no. 78-17 of January 6, 1978, he/she has the right to access, modify and delete any personal data concerning him/her.

– Copyright. All content available on the site (logo, images, text) is subject to intellectual property rights and may not be reproduced or used without the prior consent of the copyright holders, i.e. Paris musically and its partners, under penalty of civil and/or criminal prosecution.

– Applicable law. The Website and these GTC are subject to French law. Any dispute arising from their interpretation or execution shall be submitted to the competent court located within the geographical jurisdiction of the Paris Court of Appeal.

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